MD D(med)Sci PhD
Co-Founder and Chief Scientific Officer

Professor Constantine A Stratakis is an internationally known medical geneticist, endocrinologist, translational investigator and executive leader with a unique combination of skills and experience in science, healthcare, clinical trials, molecular research and genetics, policy, government regulations, and patient advocacy. Prof. Stratakis served as the Chief Scientific Officer of ELPEN Pharmaceuticals, in Athens (GR) and directed the efforts to build a new ELPEN Research Institute that is due to open in 2025, while he also runs human genetics and precision medicine at IMBB, FORTH, in Heraklion, GR. Most recently he was selected to coordinate the Hellenic Network for Precision Medicine in Molecular Oncology (EDIMO; His basic training was in medicine (Athens, GR 1989), pediatrics, endocrinology and medical genetics (Paris, France 1988, Georgetown University, Washington DC, USA 1990-1996) and holds a Medical Doctor’s, a Doctorate in Medical Sciences, and two honorary PhD degrees, in addition to being a graduate of the University of Maryland School of Public Policy Executive Leadership program.
As an executive leader, Prof. Stratakis led the National Institutes of Health (NIH/NICHD) genetics and endocrinology programs and the NICHD intramural research program (1,100 employees, $200M/year budget) in the United States, for more than 18 years where he trained more than 200 trainees. He is highly sought as a Mentor, speaker, teacher, a patient advocate, and a trusted and highly respected advisor for a wide-range of issues, across various sectors of the healthcare and innovation in life sciences ecosystem. As an investigator, Prof. Stratakis has worked on the genetics of solid tumors and has identified a number of predisposing genetic defects, including a disease that bears his name (Carney-Stratakis syndrome). He has authored more than 800 publications and served in major Editorial roles of leading journals. He received the 1999 Award for Excellence in Published Clinical Research and the 2009 Ernst Oppenheimer Award both from the US Endocrine Society, and a number of other honors, including NIH Merit and Director’s Awards; he also has been named Visiting Professor in academic centers around the world. He is the recipient of the 2019 Dale Medal from the British Endocrine Society and received the 2018 International Award of the European Society of Pediatric Endocrinology (ESPE).
He was named honorary member of the Hellenic Society of Cardiology (2017) and the Hellenic Endocrine Society (2019) for his work on the genetics of hypertension and endocrine diseases, respectively. He holds two honorary doctoral degrees from the Universities of Liege, Belgium (2013) and Athens, Greece (2017). Prof. Stratakis served as the 2018-2019 President of the Society of Pediatric Research (SPR) in the US. In addition to the SPR, he is an elected member of American Pediatric Society (APS), the American Society for Clinical Investigation (ASCI) and the Association of American Physicians (AAP). Dr. Stratakis most recently was
instrumental in the launching of the new NICHD Strategic Plan (2020-2024) that emphasizes precision medicine, and the use of large data in predictive healthcare.